Friday, March 30, 2012

Research memo Hypotheses 1. People who listen to music will all be influenced by it and later effect in there post life. My question is does music effect adolescence. Mainly does music or anything of outside influence that talks about breaking the law or doing things of unkindly manner cause children to think the way they do, furthermore does it get the to act upon what the music or media deems ok in our society. In my opinion music does affect us. At times it can cheer us up gets people excited or makes them depressed so I believe it does have an effect on adolescence no whether it is a positive or negative affect I don’t know. 2. My target audience was the age group of young adults to people who have just attained maturity to be adults. I chose this group mainly because I think they were able to handle the questions in a serious manner, and comprehend the questions being asked. My sources are reliable because I asked not only people who I knew but outside people who I met at stores. I do think that some of my data maybe unreliable for the way I asked the questions and the manner of which I placed the questions. So the way the respondents answered the survey may have been a little skewed. 3. My data that I recovered from the surveys indicate that women and male thinking is similar to some degree. The most interesting thing was the connection I found between male and female was there agreement on that music does effect your development. The second thing I found during my surveys was the way the results came up. On certain topics that pertained to bigger impacts on people in a general standing some looked at it differently then others and chose the educational side and morality then music and media. Lastly the only major thing I saw was the way women answered the written questions. They all took it towards the children’s protection so in my view there maternal side showed when answering the questions. 4. My hypotheses was correct, although the data I think may have been skewed I think that the results would have been the same either way. I think it was correct because in our society things are constantly changing and moving. So naturally we are all caught up in it. Music is apart of our life so we all will be influenced one way or another. I do think I could have reworded my questions in some ways so it would be clearer for responders to have a better idea of what I was asking of them fully. 5. I want to approach this from more then a music standpoint. I mainly want to look at this from a broader viewpoint. What im hoping to find is more effects fro outside sources such as media, or even politics if the research is out there. The next essential question that should be looked at is does the music effect of negatively or positively. I can conclude that my questions seemed to have gotten the answer I expected to see but they also shed some light on viewpoints I had not thought of when approaching my topic

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